“It’s not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, yet you are not free from desisting from it either” Perkei Avot.
Volunteer opportunities build us as humans. They allow us to strengthen our empathy and sympathy skills, become more aware of what is needed in society and in general make the world a better place. Additionally, participating in volunteer experiences is real world experience in life skills such as scheduling, follow through and time management.
Read on for organizations that have volunteer experiences for teens. Some of these organizations are national, others are Los Angeles based. Some have age requirements, others have parent participation requirements. This article is for information only. All parents and guardians must vett any organization they or their teen considers for volunteer experience.
“Baby2Baby provides children living in poverty with diapers, clothing and all the basic necessities that every child deserves.”(website)
“TreePeople’s mission is to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment, making it safe, healthy, fun and sustainable and to share our process as a model for the world.” (website)
“Westside Food Bank’s mission is to end hunger in our communities by providing access to free nutritious food through food acquisition and distribution, and by engaging the community and advocating for a strong food assistance network.” (website)
“These programs build one-to-one friendships between people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), offering social interactions while improving the quality of life and level of inclusion for a population that is often isolated and excluded.” (website)
“Heal the Bay is an environmental nonprofit established in 1985 that is dedicated to making the coastal waters and watersheds in Greater Los Angeles safe, healthy, and clean” (website).
“PAWS/LA was founded in 1989 and is dedicated to preserving the loving bond between people and their companion animals. We provide services to assist low-income seniors, veterans and people disabled by illness keep and care for their pets.”(website)
“The mission of the Foundation is to educate the public about railroad history as it pertains to the development of the Southwest Region of the United States, particularly the Los Angeles area.” (website)
“Teen Line’s highly trained teen listeners provide support, resources and hope to any teen who is struggling.” (website)
“VolunteerMatch matches inspired people with inspiring causes. It’s how volunteers and nonprofits connect to achieve remarkable outcomes.” (website)
“We connect people through helping” (website)
“We provide quality books to public school and community libraries where the majority of students live at or below the poverty line.” (website)
Curious? What to discuss about your child? Reach out to me for a consultation! mporjes@gmail.com