I am often asked about the nuts and bolts of starting a tutoring or educational support practice. Although there is no one set of guidelines, there are steps to engage in to maximize the success of tutoring or educational support businesses.
This is How to Start Your Own Tutoring/Educational Support Business Part 2. Read on for 5 additional ways to maximize the success of your tutoring or education support business:
Network, network, network. Networking is interacting with and exchanging information with other like-minded individuals. It is not about finding a client or a job. Networking is a powerful process for growing your professional community.
Communicate, communicate, communicate. Your current clients should have regular updates about progress and procedures.. Make them a priority. Clients who don’t feel informed, supported and/or valued tend to look elsewhere for services.
Bring added value to the table. Be clear about what it is that you do that sets you apart from others. Then, share this with potential and current clients. Never let them guess what is unique about your practice.
Regularly reflect on your practice. Those who grow their businesses routinely reflect on what they are doing. They celebrate successes and are not afraid to address areas that are not working efficiently. Schedule regular time for reflection each week.
Hire a coach to help you maximize your growth and success in your practice. Many individuals can create a successful business without a coach. However, it can take longer and there is a steeper learning curve. One of the top comments from professionals who have participated in coaching and have experienced significant growth is, “I should have hired a coach earlier.”
If you found this article helpful, please visit www.michelleporjes.org for more articles. For inquiries about professional coaching, please email mporjes@gmail.com