About a year ago, I had a meeting at my lawyer’s house. He is my lawyer and so much more. Our families have been intertwined for years. He is one of the few people that knew my mother and my…
I recently went on a “daycation”. A great beach with an outdoor restaurant. This place is a complete success despite the times. WHY? The rules are crystal clear–no mask-no service. You WILL be asked to leave if you do not…
Our new normal
I recently sent an email to parents about the work I am doing with their children: We have been playing games and having fun! But, there has been so much more happening under the surface. The children have had to…
The other day several of my campers were having a conversation about whether unicorns were real. The conversation turned into a debate when one camper stomped his foot and announced “where’s the proof?” Smart boy. Evidence is important and so…
Folding Socks
I really hate folding socks. I’m fine with gathering the clothes, running the washer and dryer and even folding the clothes. But, I really hate folding socks. It’s such an unpleasant chore and I put it off as long as…
Standardized testing in the time of COViD 19…is this the beginning of the end?
High stakes standardized testing has been a controversial subject for some time. Those in favor of tests like the ACT and SAT believe that it is an additional data point to examine as more and more highly qualified students apply…
Four Strategies to set up your child for success with online learning
Growth Mindset Revisited
Carol Dweck, a well-regarded educator from Stanford University, wrote a book called Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. According to Dweck there are two mindsets: Fixed and Growth. People with a fixed mindset believe that major qualities like intelligence are…
A Leaky Roof
In an El Nino year, just behind worries about mudslides and commuting to work and school, is the concern about a roof that leaks–that leaky roof. We all have these concerns about what happens when the unexpected happens and the…
The Blessing of a Wheelchair
Wheelchair (n)…a chair mounted on wheels for those who cannot walk; origin late 1600s. One can go through a whole lifetime without even a thought of its effects, or life can revolve around the existence of a wheelchair. For some…