The beginning of the school year is an importnt time to establish the family routine for the year. When I say family routine, I do mean family routine. One has to only be the parent of more than one child,…
The Benefits of Downtime
The term “downtime” was originally used to describe periods of inactivity in a factory usually as a result of a malfunction. Today, the term is often associated with problems with telecommunication or outages. However, there is an additional definition of…
Building Resiliency in School-Age Children
One of the best gifts we can give our children is to help them become resilient. For the purposes of this article, resiliency is defined as a child’s ability to succeed, thrive and overcome obstacles even when presented with hardships…
The Blessing of a Bike Ride
When my children were little we used to engage in a favorite family ritual: a bike ride to the local donut shop. Actually, they were the ones who would ride, I would walk or sometimes run after them. The running…
Bring on Resilience!
Resilience is defined as being able to recover from stress, adversity, or difficulty. It is not easy and resilient people have certain characteristics that help them step forward after difficult times. Resilient people are self-aware and know boundaries. They believe…
Bring Back Play and bring it back NOW!
There is a lot of research about the importance of play. This is especially true during this time of COVID 19. As parents, we feel the heaviness of having our children’s lives being destabilized. There are so many unknowns and…
Do You breathe with intent?
I’m a big believer in the art of conscious or intentional breathing. This is when an individual breathes with awareness to develop habits that improve respiration. In return, improvement in clarity, energy and physical health accompany a reduction in anxiety…