With in-person school a reality, let’s maximize success for learning this year with these five simple methods to organize a learning space:
Make the desk area simple and useful. The only things that should be on the desk or in the drawers should be tools for school. The Desktop should be as empty as possible to allow for work to be done. Drawers should contain pencils, pens, highlighters, markers, a ruler, paper, index card and post-its. All toys, global art and crafts supplies should be stored somewhere
Purchase and install a whiteboard monthly calendar. Now that your child will have some activities to go to, it is important for them to have their own calendar so they can see what their month looks like. Be prepared–sometimes kids and even teens need some help knowing how to write the dates in for a specific month. A great teachable moment!
Purchase a small white board where your child (or you) can write daily to do lists. Whiteboards are simple, efficient, and easy.
Purchase a small file storage box where your child can create individual files for each class and store graded papers/units of study that they have completed.
Set a time each Sunday to clean out/tidy up backpacks, notebooks and the desk. By doing this you are helping your child create a routine and teaching them that a little proactive time spent organizing can go a long way!
If this was helpful to you, you may want to consider the Big Book of Tools and or the Pocket Guide of Tools for more strategies to help your child deal with their stuff, time and information. Check out www.michelleporjes.org for information about ordering.